Paper format

Manuscript Preparation

The journal accepts manuscripts in Latex or docx formats.

Template Files

Please, download our MsWord template.

Please, download our Latex template file to obtain all the necessary template files for manuscript preparation. This package includes:
- PSAIE.cls : it contains all the default settings. This file must be included into your LaTeX file and should not be changed under any circumstances.
- PSAIEsample.tex : sample LaTeX file - this is to be edited
- PSAIEbib.bst : bibliography style file to prepare your bibliography by using BibTeX. Please, do not make any changes to this file.
- PSAIESampleBib.bib : sample BibTeX literature database file - this is to be edited
- cimer-ff.eps : picture file appearing in the first page heading of the manuscript

Graphic Files

It is not recommended to use the built-in graphical facilities of the editors. Please, prepare your figures with special graphics tools and then include them in your manuscript.

Note for Scientific Word and Scientific Workplace Users

If you use Windows and Scientific Word/Workplace, please make sure that you save your LaTeX manuscript as the so-called Portable LaTeX. The final manuscript should not contain any non-standard macros.


Please add DOI numbers to the bibliography.